The main point of the book by Woodward and Costa is to paint POTUS an imbalanced and insane warmonger,the ONE President that NEVER started a war and got us out of them successfully!This is not about Milley, this release is the DS panicking because voter fraud WILL topple them once a for all! But they must have a revolt by the insane that believe Trump is crazy.
Isn’t Joint Chiefs of Staff a number of people? YES
Would Milley be the only one that would prevent the president from making the call? NO
Who else are the Joint chiefs of Staff?
I doubt Milley could stop it, if the President made the decision. The Media is relying on the ignorance of the citizens!
Nuclear Chain of Command
Posted on March 18, 2018 | By Strategic Demands Online
(Excerpt) The President may direct the use of nuclear weapons through an execute order via the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to the combatant commanders and, ultimately, to the forces in the field exercising direct control of the weapons.
(The Nuclear Secrecy Blog of Alex Wellerstein) asked William J. Perry, the former Secretary of Defense, at point blankwhether the Secretary of Defense was in the chain of command. The answer was a clear “no.”Perry explained that while, presumably the Secretary of Defense would express opinions and given counsel, the President was under no legal obligation to take such counsel, and the objection of the Secretary of Defense had no bearing either legally or practically.
(W)hen doctrine says “the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,” it is usually referring to a staff and not an individual person. Which is to say, it doesn’t necessarily indicate an individual personage,but instead indicates a web of people that are connected to the authority of that personage.
The employment of nuclear weapons at any level requires explicit orders from the President. The nature of nuclear weapons — overwhelmingly more significant than conventional weapons — is such that their use can produce political and psychological effects well beyond their actual physical effects. The employment of nuclear weapons may lead to such unintended consequences as escalation of the current conflict or long-term deterioration of relations with other countries. For this reason above all others, the decision whether or not to use nuclear weapons will always be a political decision and not a military one.
The President and the Bomb, Part III
by Alex Wellerstein
Part 3, published April 10th, 2017
How many people are in between the President and the actual use of nuclear weapons? Where exactly is the “jump” between the “political” wing of the US government (e.g., the Executive Branch) and the “military” wing that actually implements the order?No one can stop President Trump from using nuclear weapons. That’s by design
The whole system is set up so the president — and only the president — can decide when to launch.
Via the Washington Post
By Alex Wellerstein December 1, 2016
Alex Wellerstein is a historian of nuclear weapons at the Stevens Institute of Technology.
He runs the website Restricted Data: The Nuclear Secrecy Blog.
(Bruce) Blair has insisted (in e-mail to me, and in our interview) that the whole “could the Secretary of Defense refuse an order” question was a red herring. The Secretary of Defense, he insisted, was completely dispensable with regards to the deployment of nuclear weapons. As I noted in my Post piece, there are several descriptions of the nuclear chain of command that imply that the Secretary of Defense is necessary, as the “conduit” (my term) between the political and military worlds. But is it true? Blair emphatically said no…
DOD Directive 5100.30 states:
The NCA [National Command Authorities] consists only of the President and the Secretary of Defense or their duly deputized alternates or successors. The chain of command runs from the President to the Secretary of Defense and through the Joint Chiefs of Staff to the Commanders of the Unified and Specified Commands. The channel of communication for execution of the Single Integrated Operational Plan (SIOP) and other time-sensitive operations shall be from the NCA through the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, representing the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to the executing commanders.
But over the last few weeks… and my own further digging into the matter, I have become convinced that the weight of the open evidence points to the idea thatBlair is correct — the Secretary of Defense is not just unnecessary, but not even in the nuclear chain of command
The employment of nuclear weapons at any level requires explicit orders from the President. For this reason above all others, the decision whether or not to use nuclear weapons will always be a political decision and not a military one.