hide rec buttons
#vrecorder, #recordButtonv3 {display: none; !important}
Mornin' y'all
hide rec buttons
#vrecorder, #recordButtonv3 {display: none; !important}
Mornin' y'all
To voice record. Simply displaying none with CSS removes them from view. The option to voice record has been in "post options" anon.
>maybe the voice recorder is there to tell us WE ARE NOT BEING LOUD enough?
Then speak up. Not to those who agree but to those who need to hear your voice. Be brave and know your shit and speak your mind, it's not that hard. Accept when you're wrong, stand your ground when you know you're right. Being tactful goes a long way towards busting shaky foundations. ;)
>Do whatever you want to do.
I did. I responded to your comment about wasting my time. Anything else you'd like to add that I can do your majesty?