Anonymous ID: 8b8a34 Sept. 20, 2021, 6:13 p.m. No.14625741   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Here's what's happening-


Biden is a controlled puppet of the "white hats" NOT "black hats". He is literally controlled demolition being used as the 'fall guy' - not only to expose the corruption of the democrats, but the entirety of Washington and the elitist agenda. So many deals have been made, so many strings have been cut.


Does it cross anyone's mind as to why so many of these scandals (COVID, RussiaGate, Ghislane Maxwell case, etc.) are either all being leaked or presented to the public NOW, all at once? It's because grand juries have already been convened and have already made (sealed) indictments. "These" leaks are on purpose and intentional. In order to deliver maximum pressure to your opponent, you deliver them the impossible task of trying to defend themselves against all of their crimes, at once.


The media doesn't need to be interfered with at this point… control the 4am talking points and you will literally allow MSM to hang themselves with their own noose, while at the same time, 'waking up' many who are still stuck to their TV's watching their propaganda garbage.


Just watch.. the media will continue to turn on Biden, the economy will start to suffer immensly, the migrant crisis will get worse, a FF that is directly tied to some of the Afghani's who were taken in from Afghanistan during the Bagram Airfield exit… all while the crimes of these bastards are on full display.


How can the deep state defend against all of this?

They can't.