>please define "archive offline".
Dubs check'd.
At the start; Graphic is important says Q.
Hence memefags making graphics to explain points, cap news articles, do q delta's etc.
At some point most anons here expected the net to go down; They would wipe any evidence.
It works like this:
Images/graphics are posted to the board.
Individual anons on the board will save certain images and graphics they deem 'important'
This could be as many as 10 anons, or 200, nobody would know.
Baker will pick up any 'notable graphics', anons will also save these.
Archive offline means, don't keep your saved chit on your machine.
Take it 'offline' (Disks, usb's spare drives etc. Not connected to the net.)
Should everything be wiped off the net, anons have seen things disappear in real time, should it be wiped, anons have an archive of it all.
This is why timestamps are important.
Whatever it is, ain't worth chit if it isn't timestamped.
It was also to get anons used to saving things as they landed.
Info drop means grab it then, or lose it forever.
Anons personal archive is around 70GB (This includes some vidya).
Each anons archive will be different.
Most will have the 'same' information though
Archive offline.
>Discern what is important for yourself.