OPSEC fucker!
So this red button. Should I press it?
Read that the other day. Single pot method. No special Chem equipment needed.
Also part of the Cabal game where they have to warn you ahead of time.
I already posted the study showing sterilization by damage to the testicles it NOT far fetched at all.
So, in their minds they warned you.
>Nudity is bad
>Sex is bad
>Porn is bad
So only have sex to reproduce, then use that repressed energy to work and give $ to the church.
They would land and say "Take me to dem Kangz"
Those blue bitches don't put out. It's where the term Blue Balls comes from.
3rd day in a row I've seen gaggles of geese flying south. The leaves are already falling from my neighbors trees.
Bit early for all that
They know something we don't know. Getting a bad feeling.