Anonymous ID: 22371b Secret encrypted messaging under Twatter..... May 18, 2018, 1:10 p.m. No.1459451   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Gee, I wonder what @Jack and cronies rolled this one for….Folks, this is likely how the cabal are trying to communicate now….. Get your rainbow tables ready….kek..




Twitter has an unlaunched ‘Secret’ encrypted messages feature


Buried inside Twitter’s Android app is a “Secret conversation” option that if launched would allow users to send encrypted direct messages. The feature could make Twitter a better home for sensitive communications that often end up on encrypted messaging apps like Signal, Telegram or WhatsApp.


"The encrypted DMs option was first spotted inside the Twitter for Android application package (APK) by Jane Manchun Wong. APKs often contain code for unlaunched features that companies are quietly testing or will soon make available. A Twitter spokesperson declined to comment on the record. It’s unclear how long it might be before Twitter officially launches the feature, but at least we know it’s been built."



I am almost certain this is actually already rolled out, but is probably just toggled on for VIPs/cabal members,etc…