Elite Now Bragging About Using Penis Skin Taken from Babies to Make Their Faces Look Younger
Cate Blanchett and Sandra Bullock have made headlines recently by revealing their ‘secret’ to maintaining young and healthy looking skin. The duo have nicknamed the procedure the ‘Penis Facial’ due to the fact that the serum used in the process is derived from the foreskin of Korean babies.
Known officially as the Hollywood EGF (Epidermal Growth Factor) Facial, so-called penis facials have earned the nickname not just because the process smells like sperm, but because it requires a serum derived from the cells of the foreskin of newborn babies.
What’s more is that not only are they publicly admitting to the use of mutilated baby penis parts to look younger, but they are celebrating it. On Thursday, Bullock went on The Ellen DeGeneres Show to explain why she’s so happy about this treatment and to explain the reason it has been called the ‘Penis Facial.’
As if to imply babies across an ocean don’t matter as much as babies here, the serum, Bullock tells DeGeneres, is “an extraction from a piece of skin that came from a young person far, far away.”
However, Ellen bluntly pointed out, that it is indeed derived from the “foreskin from a Korean baby.”