>Hollywood stars tear into NRA
"i shed tears in your general direction"
do you not know that dates of websites are not reliable data at all?
a page can be posted, edited, re-edited, re-used… dates prove nothing at all
dates of websites are not reliable data at all: a page can be posted, edited, re-edited, re-used… dates prove nothing at all
he's only arguing with himself: a timeline of his various narratives would show that (i'm not going to do it)
no, lo siento, pero ese es un análisis muy malo de las banderas falsas
Solo digo que no tengo idea de por qué crees que los shills se quedarán tranquilos, especialmente después de / durante una bandera falsa.
Shills are not only the shills you think they are - those are just the more obvious ones.
They are always here, just not always as effective.
>And How do you know that I'm not Anglo-Saxon.
by reading your english, compadre
>LOTS of unusual military air traffic over southern CA last 24 hours.
Eyes Wide Open.
Who will be next?
Watch NYC.
Watch CA.
>>1459981 there's been a few before