What if a bunch of America loving patriots went, dressed up in Authority Costumes, to arrest the ‘Authorized’ criminals, dressed up in Insurrection costumes, to hid their FBI employment?
Just Brainstorming
What if a bunch of America loving patriots went, dressed up in Authority Costumes, to arrest the ‘Authorized’ criminals, dressed up in Insurrection costumes, to hid their FBI employment?
Just Brainstorming
The yuge numbers of people currently PAID to dress up in Authority Costumes are the ones committing crimes.
Get it?
Perceptions (true or false) are very powerful as well. A peaceful citizen, has a snowball’s chance in current hellish environment, of successfully performing a peaceful citizens arrest of a criminal public figure. The bystanders, currently at large, simply will not back it up.
Just Say’n
The near entirety of Federal LE, Military, State LEOs, local police… are only pretending they operate under the Authority of the Constitution. Most of them violate their Oath within their first 24hr of employment (often unknowingly, yet powerfully ‘entrapping’ to March On irrespective any rationality).
We are in a complete shitshow on the precipice of A Most Uncivil Unlimited Revolutionary Guerrilla War. Brought to the world in people ASSUMING a false mandated Authority.
Gonna be a bumpy ride.
… by people assuming a false Authority.
If [THEY] call it a foreign country, thus ‘You can’t arrest me’… then all the easier.
Yet [they] ARE currently enjoying (as in taking the current benefits), of just those kinds of ambiguities and confusion they generated in the subject you describe.
Yet further, fundamentally, DC was established and ordained by We the People, unlike OUR RIGHTS, We ARE able to rescind the establishment and reform/reconstitute as We see fit. Of course Government people don’t like that kind of talk, but they are criminals (way outside the their Constitutional confines), so tough tities.
This anon was there on J6, and witnessed the shitshow first hand by BOTH the costumed pretent agitators and fumbly dumbly Capital Police. Nothing fair and decent about any of it.
I’m sure their are well-meaning people trying to rally something in DC… yet until something ‘bigger’ occurs to upset [Their] game, this anon IS on the side of caution to NOT ATTEND.
Sept18 is already cooked up way more than J6 was… J6 could have been way way worse were it not for the predominantly cool heads in the American side. Yet the current false Capital is not the Hill this anon wants to die on this September.
This anon advised FOR attending J6, and do es not regret attending.
However, no, this anon does not advise attending THIS time.