I wanted to know that too
So did a dig a while back
Here you go
Decide for yourself
That owl looking pic that was posted on the McAfee countdown site is a diamond mine right by Koidu Town in Sierra Leone
Think Koidu Ebola epidemic
Koidu Red Cross
Sierra Leone civil war
Revolutionary United Front
Diamond mining
All of that from just one NIH doc:
Fauci is NIH, right? He knows a thing or two about gain of function
I think they were testing Ebola on these people
Even Gates was in on it
Catching Ebola because they "regularly travel through bat territory to get to the mines"
Just like bat soup for covid-19, but we know covid-19 was man-made now
All while simultaneously raping their land and overtaking their government
But more interesting to me is the fact they included a quote from the novel "Heart of Darkness" in the NIH paper
Why? That's strange to me.
Heart of Darkness has a character referred to as Mistah Kurtz
Mistah Kurtz is used in the May Day ads as the personification of the fall of governments
The ads are an agenda of wars, revolution and violence that just happen to correlate to real world headlines
More on that if interested, not an easy read but worth it imo
They were spreading that shit on purpose
Why would they try to kill off their own mine workers?
Don't get me wrong, it's fucked up to kill off people using Ebola
But why make sure it's in the area of the diamond mine?
Here's another paper talking about the ZMapp vaccine for Ebola
Notice the big Fauci quote
"Importantly, the study establishes that it is feasible to conduct a randomized, controlled trial during a major public health emergency in a scientifically and ethically sound manner."
So he was running an experiment on people already undergoing the epidemic
Notice the words 'randomized' and 'controlled'
Then look at the NYT article
Dr. Abraham Borbor, deputy chief medical doctor at Liberia’s largest hospital
Died from the ZMapp Ebola vaccine
How does it make sense to try an experimental vaccine on the DEPUTY CHIEF MEDICAL DOCTOR AT LIBERIA'S LARGEST HOSPITAL?
Seems totally randomized
The hospital was a "death trap" of Ebola and killed 22 workers
If the NIH was involved in the area with the vaccine, why didn't they make sure basic safety precautions were in place to prevent the spread?
They should know how to do that being the experts
Unless it was targeted, to get rid of the medical personnel so they could essentially take over - which is not 'randomized'
Or if the NIH is just really bad at preventing the spread of viral infections - which is not 'controlled'
Here's another NIH paper, this time with the vaccine for the Spanish Flu
Tested on African miners
They're not hiding it