This has already happened. Think Senomyx (sp).
Vaccines are satanic. Voodoo medicine. Except that instead of sticking needles into a doll, they are stuck into a living person.
What do vaccines resemble: VENOMOUS SNAKE BITES.
What is a pogrom?
We do not have vaccine programs, they are vaccine pogroms.
The vaccine pogroms are designed for one purpose: To kill people in the most costly, soul destroying manner possible.
What group is targeted? All ordinary men, women and children are targeted. However, when the terms "white" or "black" are used they are not referring to melanin levels. They are referring to wicked v. godly.
Vaccine pogroms are used to exterminate "whites" (godly people of many demographic descriptions):
Think I am wrong about the real meanings of black and white? How is it that Bill Clinton was the first "black" president? How is it that Biden told a black man "you ain't black" if you support Trump?
>It's just Eugenics.
>Not that deep!
Huh? "just" eugenics?!
It is VERY deep. Vaccines tie into satanism and/or human sacrifice on multiple levels. This "pillar" of public health is upholding something like a modern "Temple to Baal" which is being brought down it seems by a "Samson". Trump sacrificing his own reputation to bring down a corrupt temple on the heads of the worshippers.