i think the reason is the same as its always been.
How many souls can we get to join us in our evil?
i think the reason is the same as its always been.
How many souls can we get to join us in our evil?
JFK JR looking for DJT bottom right
Remembering those who were lost, and those who have sacrificed so much since to make us safer.
17 words
when you see articulate people make strange wordings to get to 17 its prolly comms
got treefiddy says he's FBI anon and the white hat that started this Q Op.
for sure he cost HRC the election and he knows were the bodies are buried and his daughter is on epstein/maxwell investigation
you still have your Obamaphone dont you?
so weird he said they would bury us
and here the dems are burying us in commie news, commie laws, commie politicians and letting commies in open borders
we need another HUAC
so sad