that's because during the previous 'drills', the 'drill instructors' mapped-out signal strength throughout the school and found the dead zones. hell, my ROOMBA does the same damn thing for wifi signal strength while it's vacuuming my house.
here's what this means….
q-team knew the cabal was planning this shooting.
q-team let it play out right up to the last minute.
q-team made sure there were rock salt shells in that shotgun and blanks in that pistol.
authorities on scene include good guys who extracted the shooter after he realized he couldn't suicide himself with blanks.
can't wait for the ending….
no…but i pray this event was thwarted because some q posts indicate they knew something was in the works…just hope they knew the specifics.
maybe….but up is down and dark is light now.
no..they just did it yesterday while he was at school. no chance he checked it before this morning. k.i.s.s. (nohomo)
then you'll also think it's stupid that q-team also has proof of crisis actor training, media collusion/talking points, etc.
this could be a major sting.
i have no sauce. just throwing out ideas that may help piece together some clues.
fireworks. yeah….fake bombs. big and loud but destroy nothing.