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>>1459336 Director, Bureau of Prisons resigns.
>>1460016 Owl in Vatican Coat of Arms
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>>1459336 Director, Bureau of Prisons resigns.
>>1460016 Owl in Vatican Coat of Arms
Every part of the gov has a COG plan in case high-level incumbents die or become incompacitated.
I think the real shadow government is located outside of it at: Think Tanks, Lobbiests, Political Action Committees, and Government Contractors. When everyone went hysterical over North Korea, one of Obama's former staffers explained why it was impossible for Trump to be prepared for a meeting with Kim Jong Un in such a short time period. She said the custom has been for the current administration to always consult think tanks and current/former senior level politicians in both parties when making important decisions.
When Trump wanted to fill the vacancy on SCOTUS, where did he turn for possible candidate names? A think tank! There are over 1800 think tanks in the US. Add in the other three groups' entities, that's a huge number of unelected people controlling the decision making in our fed gov. I've read some articles that Trump has been driving a lot of these folks crazy because he prefers to seek opinions from company execs.