Last Bread
cant remember, oh thgats right, the importance of E shumman VYBE, Vi (youngest child) Be E
the motion of your ocean notes
Last Bread
cant remember, oh thgats right, the importance of E shumman VYBE, Vi (youngest child) Be E
the motion of your ocean notes
is actually fairly close to the Poetic Edda as the story is written
No thank you
New world is pretty cool
This is how he envisions my yoni because he has never seen and never will :)
Prositutes perhaps, he would have to pay
the death of the Eternal flame perhaps
Music, laughter, light, openess, no time for bullshit, open honest, enjoyable
the youth come through while some old relationships are redefined
Why does my blood matter so much, that is why
i love him so much, imagine that
dont remember doin' that, remember the blood over my hair while i cried at his feet
Ugboots & Sandwich
Nay laddy
i am the bait
Trick El down echo Gnome ecs
Now new bait same plan
Upset i am to have lost him, however would not betray
need a red cheeked emoticon
feel my heart does beat
not yet broken
fight i will like any maid
fight i will Dublin brave
ride anon
bb or knot to be