Typical Telecancer.
2018: Whoa a Q Proof - it's legit!
2019: Moar Q Proofs - sweet.
2020: Yeah yeah another Q-Proof - how about some habbenings?
2021: Yawn a Q Proof - wake me when there's habbenings.
My fav kind of inflation is deflation.
As in was at the store and accidentally knocked over a cereal box.
When I picked it up it was light af.
Squeezed it and determined it was only 1/4 full.
I thought that Clinestein guy was…
> May
The gay homosexual Hoff brothers are cancer.
The way they constantly clickbait the false hopium is sauce they work for the other side.
I guess the good news is that the absolutely beyond a shadow of a doubt compd af count at the FDA is now down to just 2 people.
They make it sound like Trump's gonna win the 2020 Election next week.
That's what's F&G about it.
The AZ Audit being released Fri is yuge enough - there's really no need for their bs.
I hear ya, but I think it's because the waiting is the hardest part and any kind of hopium gets latched on to.
Sadly, they do have a market that eats their shit up.
It's been a rough year for Glork's favorite team.
>under congressional investigation for treason
Not exactly.
The minority party is doing it on their own.
Way different than if the Majority Dims on the committee kicked this off.
Just because one prefers one cat over another here doesn't make them a shill.
IIRC… there was 1 week back in mid-'19 when this question wasn't asked here.
QAnons Like big butts and they can not lie