Dasting if true
Makes a lot more sense than the reincarnation theory. There have been plenty of observed similarities to Patton, and the death / birth dates, but this is the first theory Ive heard that posits a real connection.
It is also interesting from aspect of how many world leaders today either were related to Hitler, or spawned from the seeds of some post WW2 cloning program, etc. Many bloodline connections to the [DS]. So if Trump had is own connection, either to Patton, or Tesla, etc. then it puts a whole new spin on being the man chosen for this point in history.
Sussmann DDG search
That is the spirit. I keep reading on ZH how companies are short millions of workers, how its been decades since workers were in this much demand. If true, this situation will balance out…they have to keep their standards accessible.
Honestly the only thing giving me hope right now is Durham.
The reason: I've never understood how AZ 'proof' was going to actually change the election outcome. Even if AZ withdraws their electoral votes, so what? Congress already accepted the existing (at the time) count, and moved on. It doesn't really track, in anon's opinion, that this equates to a mechanism of change.
It MIGHT equate to a mechanism of BELIEF….which would then translate into more state audits, like dominos. That sounds like months or years worth of ongoing chaos until…finally….people rise up and take back their country.
2024 elections will be here before we can change 2020 at this rate. So the only solution is Military, unless we are willing to go PLAN Z.
So in retrospect…AZ IS A DISTRACTION
I keep coming back to Plan Z.
I realize it is unpopular, but that is how old crusty anon sees it. Blood must be spilled.
Either one anon, I think it comes down to which one you can find. I have IVM in the cabinet, haven't tried it yet. TBH I think fresh air and sunshine get you about 99.5% of the way there. Wouldn't worry about it unless you are old and high risk.
I do hold hope that the Law of War 11.3 factor will result in the sweeping [DS] takedown we have all been wanting. But if we are talking about what we can SEE, and what we know based on peoples' behavior, then the victory won't come until the vigilance of its citizens demand it (as you said). And if the end game is a citizen uprising, then what the hell are we waiting for…
So I still don't know why we are sitting on the couch waiting on a Qsavior. Honestly I moved out of the country under Obama, when I saw the dark future ahead.
What kind of man could love a transgender Wo-man? I understand gay boys wishing they were girls and finally realizing it through surgery….but what man will they expect to marry without deceiving him?
Am I missing something? Old anon can't keep up apparently.
My pops anon uses inhalers for a lung condition, and I wish he would look into trying one of those saltwater vapor inhalants. He's already had the vax with no apparent ill effects, but the blood clotting has me pretty worried at this point.