All sounds like a swift kick in the nards for us. Military Intelligence could have it but what happens from here for normies? Just when it seems we are gaining momentum the rug gets ripped out. Not surprised but how many gut blows will keep coming?
All sounds like a swift kick in the nards for us. Military Intelligence could have it but what happens from here for normies? Just when it seems we are gaining momentum the rug gets ripped out. Not surprised but how many gut blows will keep coming?
I do have faith but we can all admit it’s very taxing. 45 said we will be very happy but I’m which decade? No choice but to wait. Still is frustrating. Perhaps am getting caught up in the narrative again. Between Wendy’s posts and announcements made out of Maricopa there are discrepancies that suck balls
>Comfy Night Shift
Need to shake this Maricopa stories. Can take blow after blow, with broken bones from it, and still carry on. Only problem is there is no prosthetic for a broken spirit. Still chugging but barely. Hopefully Wendy is right and they are just blatantly lying for cover.
>Lying about what specifically?
All of it. Anon has done some dumb stuff in anons life but would never aid foreigners to rig our elections and undermine 45. Would rather die. Anon can imagine these people are scared to death… literally and lying about everything at every turn
>Bouys Offline
Would turn them off, too as to hide giant ships aka battle ships. Just saying
Haven’t let the narrative affect anon in a while. This grinded anons gears tonight. Need some lube for my vagina, I guess kek
Can an anon post the 45 rap song about the routers. Kun won’t let me. It’s needed right now
Dubs. 45 always says Xi is at the top of his game… not after a swift kick in the dick from anon. Kek. That clip is classic.
Shill are getting their scripts ready for whatever is planned by abc’s for the protest. Anon will still be on the couch. Just like Jan 6th. A shame because anon really wanted to hear 45 speak that day. A shame because freedom of assembly and freedom of speech is tainted by our own agencies and foreign bad actors.
If anons could help each other we would help you… but we can’t. I’d only be able to chop wood or help with some lawn work but I’d do it if circumstances were different and not anons
Hilarious meme but also hilarious because it’s come to the point it’s an actual reality where abc phaggots will only be fighting themselves
Just go with 8 cans of tuna. Not like we are eating our own semen kek. They get what they deserve
Anon loves baked noodles. When lasagna gets those hard crispy edges… best part. Bake my effing noodle, please
Love how the video showed the one soldiers face showing strain and all the effort it took to help that driver.
>900 million Chinaman
I don’t think the ccp know how bad their minions want to kill them. Perhaps they do. Maybe that’s why the ccp out all of the Hing King protestors into our hamburger helper
Anons could tear him limb from limb. Heck, kids on a grade-school playground could tear him apart. Luckily for us we want him exposed for funding mass-genocide and normies will handle the rest. We can kick our heels up and enjoy the show
>People are gonna be pissed
Anons can handle so much it actually boggles my own mind. Kind of like this is our job. Hasn’t been easy but have come to terms we’ve been eating humans this entire time. Normies will lose their shit. Many Will off themselves. A careful balancing act. We want normies to make it through… but how? “Oh, hey normie! You’ve been eating human flesh every time you buy “meat” at Walmart. Carry on”. That’s a dangerous game