Anons what the fuck is going on? I thought the deep state criminals were going to GITMO…..Instead, we got communism what happened?
Why did Trump drain the swamp? Trump is a faggot bitch liar.
Damn, if only Trump would have drained the swamp like he promised to.
Damn, if only there was actually a "special place" for George Soros like Q said there was. Instead, he's as free as ever. Q is a fucking retarded liar.
Keep telling yourself that while your being escorted into to gulag.
Trump didn't drain jack shit. He's either part of the NWO or he's fucking retarded.
Hell, I even miss the nasimfags. Q research was epic back in 2018 & 2019. Ever since Q's horseshit riddles never came true, Q Research collapsed. Good times.
It's either it was part of the plan to lose the election or patriots aren't actually in control like Q said they were….
But that wouldn't be the first time that Q was full of shit.
Sitting on your ass doing nothing has been far more beneficial to the Democrats than putting us in concentration camps. Q's horseshit hope porn cost us our country.
George Papadopoulos is part of the Sean Hannity Book Fair. He's full of shit.
Trust Wray….Lmao.