what is refleceted in the left eye (our right)?
a lighted sign?
is that a weird question?
what is refleceted in the left eye (our right)?
a lighted sign?
is that a weird question?
Video is gone…but pic is interesting.
Killuminati [sic]
Looks like same type of owl as Q's owl.
Thought to go to WikiLEaks to see what podesta/clinton emails may reveal about the Pope…founde this one:
(((THEY))) said she was ahead - 96% chance to win.
(((THIS))) is what they really believed inside her inner circle.
Check this out - HRC's tweets are (((WRITTEN FOR HER))).
What a difference.
Then why is the DOE and Others pushing RENEWABLES?
Solar, wind, etc.?
GE is literally DYING - they are sellin no gas turbines but pushing RENEWABLES instead.
I am confused.