OMG I just got home from work and plane crashes, school shootings CA and TX? holy shit so many false flags in one day that the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing so they are unleashing their plan A B C D E & F all at once because everything that is coming out is REAL and they are SCARED! If I wasn't 100% sure before I damn sure am now!! BRING IT Q!! WWG1WGA.
They are going to more than break the news cycle they are going to SCREW because they are not smart enough to cover up everything with so many lose ends. Prayers for all the real lives lost today. THEY ARE SICK! Hang em for Treason…not one meal in prison paid for by patriots!
turn off java in your safari settings. you lose other things but it will allow you to post. I just switch back and forth or get on my Mac. same for iPad turn off java on safari