… too scared to answer 'why me?'
… it's true. I'm a firm and staunch believer in the punishment fitting the crime. You definately don't want me in power.
… too scared to answer 'why me?'
… it's true. I'm a firm and staunch believer in the punishment fitting the crime. You definately don't want me in power.
… would have watched us have sex on the beach then.
Yo. Primus sux.
… yeah like you were born and never went through changes. Cool. Fuckin banker. Your fault anyway.
good boy
… few billies.
… had the 'fitness shit' already and realigning. Bloody collarbone but knitted well.
I meant to add flat out keepin it down.
They hate me because I'm 7% over average penis length and 11% girth and it's magical. Hillary just should have come fuck me and she might still be alive and good.
I thought you'd like that one.
finger bangings' ok
finger bangings' insane
… suck on them titties real good. And food!
… well, I'm pretty sure they are waiting for The People to make some suggestions.
… if you free your mind, you won't know what to do.
Rammstein are not secret private tautologist' shareholders in the Fed. I'm pretty sure about that.
Thank you. Great news. They'll work on alterations. Excellent. Those that are left.
Where are the men? Oh yeah.. the fuckheads are in the military. Root ya misses if had half a chance. Poor girl.
… you jarhead borderline illiterate fucks don't escape this either, although your brawn, dead eyed dick thing, and courage is appreciated. Now make me a fucking sandwich, please.
under normal conditions I'd say that too. Mum got the basics fuckin wired.
I've noticed portions decreasing and prices increasing. All of us eat too much though. The 'ol catch 22 trick ay.
… what the fuck is going on with Pringles?
they're tiny now.
I like tiny too, but not for extra.
only flaccid
I call it sensual slow suck size.
… yeah, I do my best not to buy Coles or woollies brands, but muh majority are slaves to the Fed and don't have a choice when budgeting. I tried to inform people to buy gold and silver. They just don't believe there's nothing in it for me even if I only tell them it's freedom, pursuit of happiness, and talents/callings unshackled.
If you want to say something, think, 'how will this help me?'
All answers are found there, along with Methods. I wanna know why you do what you do, but for each individual.