Good morning anons!
Q give us his drop instructions yet?
Warming up computer for air traffic.
Good morning anons!
Q give us his drop instructions yet?
Warming up computer for air traffic.
> at the time of the chessboard post they also posted a decpryption password or something like it.
So our chessfags have the key?
Any other planefags on?
Can you verify no MIL air traffic on the West coast at all?
Naaaโฆwhat we need to do is put them on public display while hanging by their ankles, this way people can go see them and throw rotten eggs, and all that other bad stuff at them.
Then when it's feeding time, they have to smell the stench of the rotted stuff around them and try to hold food down all the while hanging by their ankles like they do them over in SA.
> we could Mussolini the corpses
We want their dead bodies to decay and be eaten by the maggots they acted like.
I don't know, but that's alot of area on the west coast to not even have a USCG helo or any other MIL aircraft on showing.
I mean CA normally has loads of MIL aircraft up and going.
>Return the bodies to the families.
You obviouslt have never been to a military cemetary.
The bodies of foreign soldiers that were captured and died before war was over are buried along the fence line, with their headstones turned away from our fallen soldiers. So they didn't get home to family, and neither should those that commit treason upon their own country.
They can return to their family as ashes!
These are not regular people.
They deserve the worst of anything that can happen to them alive or dead.
It's called filter, really does work wonders for your sanity when you get stuck with a shill.
>I do apologies. I'll refrain from further interaction with the maggot.
It's all good anon!