Still no arrests of BIG NAMES? No surprise I guess. This will trail on well into the future. Likely past the point all of us are dead and gone. Our children probably won't even be able to get out of this mess. If the "Q" team and POTUS really want to get this done and over with, do it like a fucking band-aid and just rip the fucker off. The slower you do it, the more painful it's gonna be. Just rip that fucker off, release ALL OF THE INFORMATION, make the arrests, and hold PUBLIC fucking trials. The WORLD deserves to know the truth. This is sickening to me that there has been literally NO HARD ACTION TAKEN.
Don't be silly, JL probably already has a sex bot for when CT isn't around.
So, while criminals are getting away with murder and robbery, the good patriots of America, and people of the world are losing their homes, their families, and dying because they've been pushed out of their homes because of the system we are forced into? There is nothing worse than having information this terrible and NOT putting it out there for people to know. The people of the world can handle it. This isn't the 1800's where people were a lot more "gentile" style then today. In today's world, people get away with all sorts of shit that would make the oldfags sick. So what if it's going to be "destabilizing". You don't honestly think that when the information slowly comes out that some truths aren't going to cause the same effect? So if it's already going to happen with SOME of the information, why not just let it all go? Doesn't make any sense to me. It should be all or nothing. Keep people in slavery, or let them be free. Don't fucking play with peoples freedom and lives. It's bullshit. Get the fucking job done and corruption and shit out. WE THE PEOPLE DEMAND IT.
It's super funny when you speak the harsh reality of the NOW you get blasted with fags trying to make you look bad because you're right. You guys all think that this is going to make a difference? Show me the arrests of HRC/BO/JM/JP and more, and then I'll believe that we are being "freed" from these tyrants. I got money on the table that says that you will NEVER see any of these people go down in your lifetime. That's a sad time in this world.
So tell me then honestly: WHAT HAS CHANGED IN THE LAST 6 MONTHS?
What exactly has changed in the last 6 months that so "life altering" for ALL OF US that makes any of this real? Tax cuts? Goodie, another $300 a month to remind me how fucked I truly am. And that's if the cuts even apply to me. Nothing that has happened since Trump took office has changed anything significant in my daily routine. And I highly doubt it has for any of you.
Lets be honest; putting all this information out there is NOT going to be any different than letting it slowly leak out. There's going to be civil unrest no matter which route you take. Why drag it out longer then? These people truly get off on watching the rest of us suffer. And look what's happening with this Q stuff. Goose chase. I've been watching since day 1 when the first post came out, and I've not seen anything yet that is substantial enough for me to believe that this world will ever change.
Everyone except the 1% is fucked.
L O L. That drive has always been there. Just never gets any traction. And I doubt this time will be any different. Hate to say it, but this world has become to complacent for people to stand up and govern themselves. They want everything handed to them.