>The streets of DC are emptyafter the J6 rally organizer has announced the event has been cancelled.
>7:12 PM · Sep 17, 2021·Twitter for iPhone
Who exactly was the organizer? CNN? MSDNC? Cristopher Wray?
>The streets of DC are emptyafter the J6 rally organizer has announced the event has been cancelled.
>7:12 PM · Sep 17, 2021·Twitter for iPhone
Who exactly was the organizer? CNN? MSDNC? Cristopher Wray?
Qanon Shamen and Baby Q?? Oh Fuck NOOOOO!!!
I Imagine a "Smart Faucet" getting turned on when they know you arent home and just letting yourHOTWatrer flow for 8 hours and shut it off before you come home.
>>YES. This is the type of chaos I think is possible.
Chaos Theory , isn't that when a Butterfly flaps it's wings in Brazil it can create a storm in England or something to that effect? In Massachusetts theres a bunch of Windmill generators everywhere now. I Also think they could control them and use them like giant Fans and either Stoke Wildfires or Create hurricanes. Maybe it sounds far fetched but I think it could Easily be used by The Despicable Me villain. Or maybe not because it is actually what they are ging to do. They do telegraph their shit.
It is part of it Anon heres some copy pasta
What is Chaos Theory?
Chaos is the science of surprises, of the nonlinear and the unpredictable. It teaches us to expect the unexpected. While most traditional science deals with supposedly predictable phenomena like gravity, electricity, or chemical reactions, Chaos Theory deals with nonlinear things that are effectively impossible to predict or control, like turbulence, weather, the stock market, our brain states, and so on. These phenomena are often described by fractal mathematics, which captures the infinite complexity of nature. Many natural objects exhibit fractal properties, including landscapes, clouds, trees, organs, rivers etc, and many of the systems in which we live exhibit complex, chaotic behavior. Recognizing the chaotic, fractal nature of our world can give us new insight, power, and wisdom. For example, by understanding the complex, chaotic dynamics of the atmosphere, a balloon pilot can “steer” a balloon to a desired location. By understanding that our ecosystems, our social systems, and our economic systems are interconnected, we can hope to avoid actions which may end up being detrimental to our long-term well-being.
Don't blame me!
Principles of Chaos
The Butterfly Effect: This effect grants the power to cause a hurricane in China to a butterfly flapping its wings in New Mexico. It may take a very long time, but the connection is real. If the butterfly had not flapped its wings at just the right point in space/time, the hurricane would not have happened. A more rigorous way to express this is that small changes in the initial conditions lead to drastic changes in the results. Our lives are an ongoing demonstration of this principle. Who knows what the long-term effects of teaching millions of kids about chaos and fractals will be?
Unpredictability: Because we can never know all the initial conditions of a complex system in sufficient (i.e. perfect) detail, we cannot hope to predict the ultimate fate of a complex system. Even slight errors in measuring the state of a system will be amplified dramatically, rendering any prediction useless. Since it is impossible to measure the effects of all the butterflies (etc) in the World, accurate long-range weather prediction will always remain impossible.
Order / Disorder Chaos is not simply disorder. Chaos explores the transitions between order and disorder, which often occur in surprising ways.
Mixing: Turbulence ensures that two adjacent points in a complex system will eventually end up in very different positions after some time has elapsed. Examples: Two neighboring water molecules may end up in different parts of the ocean or even in different oceans. A group of helium balloons that launch together will eventually land in drastically different places. Mixing is thorough because turbulence occurs at all scales. It is also nonlinear: fluids cannot be unmixed.
Feedback: Systems often become chaotic when there is feedback present. A good example is the behavior of the stock market. As the value of a stock rises or falls, people are inclined to buy or sell that stock. This in turn further affects the price of the stock, causing it to rise or fall chaotically.
Fractals: A fractal is a never-ending pattern. Fractals are infinitely complex patterns that are self-similar across different scales. They are created by repeating a simple process over and over in an ongoing feedback loop. Driven by recursion, fractals are images of dynamic systems – the pictures of Chaos. Geometrically, they exist in between our familiar dimensions. Fractal patterns are extremely familiar, since nature is full of fractals. For instance: trees, rivers, coastlines, mountains, clouds, seashells, hurricanes, etc.
Emillio Estavez already did that in Maximum Overdrive in the 80's. A fucking Soda Machine killed someone
He has the chatlogs and get's (YOUS) From POTUS So yeah he's kinda a big deal
I am surprized those Uncreative Losers in Hollywood haven't remade this. No they couldn't show Teslas and Any Car that has Assisted Saftey Steering/Parking getting remote controlled and killing people because then people would Wake up to the fact that it is totally Possible for your car to be hacked and kill you. Ask Tiger Woods
@76thstreet Latinas Official Porn chick?
I had read the reason Chess programs had such a hard time beating Humans was because they could be unpredictable and throw in an unorthodox chaotic move and it would jam up the AI thinking. This was 15-20 years ago so i am sure it's come a long way.
Looks so close to a Freemason Logo IMO
I think the Left Brain thinkers, Radicle Left or Lizard Brains, run on a Program because they can't think critically like a right brained person. Weather you call it AI or Limbic System it is similar. In Buddhism it is the sixfold path, your consciousness is controlled by your external environment, you cant do anything. But in an Awakened person, or Enlightened in Buddhism you use your Right Brain and critical thinking skills. In Buddhism it is The Four Noble Worlds. The World of Learning or Voice Hearers, you actively use your brain and try and learn , it is not a passive thing. Then it is The World of Realization or Cause Awkened Ones, where you take what you have learned and put it into practice. When you are focused on Learning or Working your mind doesn't have time to tink of anything else, you are in control using your Brain like God intended, not like an animal. Then there is the World of Bodhisattva or Teacher, where you use your brain to teach people , actively trying to teach. Then there is Buddha Hood or Nirvana where you are content and have it all under control. I kinda went off on a tangent here talking Chaos Theory and Buddhism but it's Related. Jesus was a Buddha and Tried to Awaken people into Enlightenment, they just use different terminology in the Bible. In Revelations you have One person Taken and the other Left, two people at a mill , one taken the other Left. Or The Radicle LEft it is people who aren't awake and only left brain thinking, it says simply One Taken The Other Left. They are Left Brain Dominant, or on the Left Hand Spiritual Path. Not thinking for themselves but just running the programs put in place by Religion, or Government. Right hand, Spiritual ascension path to enlightenment will get you in God's Good Graces as long as you live like Jesus Taught, Be Kind, Treat everyone as a Brother or Buddha. Service to others. Whew! lol all over the place today Anons. Love you all, things are getting better!!
Look for the similarities instead of differences and we can all unite and advance as The Children of God that we are!!
>>Since Jesus said “ye are all sons of God”,
I am glad you mentioned that because the error in the bible is one of the most Quoted parts. John 3:16 Where God gave his ONLY begotten son. We are ALL Sons and Daughters of God. Jesus said it himself. You see signs at Baseball Games and such 'John 3:16" it is subliminal reinforcement and people see it and think Jesus was God's only son, I am nothing. Jesus was trying to awaken people to what they truely are and what is possible if you could activate all your Chakras and DNA. Satanic Gibberish Shill get's triggered over these statements as do most Bible fags because they take it so literally. But the Bottom line is that the Bible WAS edited and many parts were not included and could have been changed. You need discernment as with anything to decide for yourself, and not limit The Almighty God to 1200 pages and One Book. Biblefags are arrogant to think that the Bible is 100% factual and there is NO WAY it could have been falsified, then you are a heretic to believe such things. but it was edited and parts of it confuse and lead people the wrong way. God is a loving God and has plans for YOU to prosper and be happy and it is simple.