Those 2 fat chicks trying to be dudes on. the right end there?
News said he took them from his dad
Also said they had an empty trailer where he put all the explosives together
Whats up with these parents?
Shooters parents
Dad is Greek immigrant and owns a marine company
Mom works at UTMB
Ty anon….looks like we are on the same page…hivemind
Univ of Texas Medical Branch
Please forgive if this is a stupid question….but why do search results always show previous dates?
Searching for shooter now shows dates from yesterday to the day before on news stories
Very true….I search my sons room at least once a week. All I ever find is weed, tho
We keep our guns locked up but I still would know if they fuck with them
I got the feeling the parents are divorced
Aww shit, anon….taking it wayback
I seem to feel like that anon was Canadian….I do remember that post though. There were quite a few at. the time with handwritten stuff going on
Had to be back at half…sorry I cant remember more
Of course…always a responsible parent
Kinda sucks though that his shit is better than mine
True….I try not to read personal stuff….unless I am concerned. But I will dig in my kids shit all day…..anon pays rent so anon don't care :)
Good question. Haven't heard them mention the others they were holding….only that their behavior at the time of the shooting was very peculiar