Francisco Franco is still ded
>You got talent in the porn field
>Fear Porn.. kekkekke
what a shilltard
the east coast is safe from tsunamis
look it up
go back to you tartaria flat earth slide shillboi
this larper is going down
>100 ft wave hits N. Amreica
^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Mikey Rothschild trying to write a new article a low IQ Qanons
> the xpert claims
grow up & lern to discern
YT is not the place for Truth in any subject
>you're the kind of FBI guy who pushes Global Warming Fear Pprn too, I bet.
exacy definition of projection
there is no reason to fear anything and you have spent the whole day building your tsunami larp
>Do you blame them?
never figured out why anyone lived there in the first place 1000s of years ago
>Sheeit, I forgot the US was the centre of the universe.
^ ^ ^
first clue you are dealing with a 3rd world cretin