Anonymous ID: 9752be Sept. 19, 2021, 4:06 p.m. No.14618336   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8395

I just realized something reading this RRN parody. Last week Red Cross was at our building collecting blood. Interestingly they show up every two to three weeks. I asked them many questions. I asked of they asked if people were vaxed. They said yes we ask if Pfizer, Moderna or J&J.So reading this cooky article I realized anyone giving blood, they know if the person is unvaxxed also, and probably share it with govt agencies=. Its not hard to believe all unvaxxed are being tracked also. Remember teams were going to show up to every door, it would be a lot easier if they could eliminate the vaxxed. I never answer my door unless I know a friend or workman is coming==, I’d recommend all anons do the same.


Census Data, CDC Database Expose Unvaccinated


he found himself face-to-face with two uninvited guests, representatives of Elliott County Health Department. They wished to speak to him about his vaccination status.


“It’s come to our attention your family has not been vaccinated. May we come in?” one health official said, according to Mr. Oliver.


I told them whether or not we’ve taken the shot was none of their damn business and to leave. But they just stood there staring at me like I was some kind of animal or something. I was curious and asked how they hell they’d know if I and my family got jabbed,” Mr. Elliott told RRN.


The county health officers were not schooled in Deep State discretion, apparently.


They told Mr. Oliver that 2020 Census data showed 3 people living in the household, and that information, when compared against the CDCs vaccination database, proved that neither Mr. Oliver nor his wife and daughter had been vaccinated for Covid-19.


Their statements raise grave concern, as the CDC insists it does not maintain a database of vaccination and unvaccinated persons, and claims vaccination records it receives are collected in aggregate, with no personal identifying information. Mr. Oliver’s encounter certainly casts doubt on CDC honesty, and it’s simple to see just how easily the CDC can obtain an individual’s vaccination status.


Typically, people get vaccinated at one of two venues—either a pharmacy or a mass depopulation—vaccination—center. Before getting jabbed, people present proof of identity—insurance cards and/or a photo ID, both of which reveal a home address; most city and county mass vaccination sites across the country require proof of residency to get the jab. Therefore, county health officials can figure out who has and who has not received a vaccination.