wtf was all the BS in the last bread? seeing ZERO earthquakes in canary islands over the past 8hrs….
wtf was all the BS in the last bread? seeing ZERO earthquakes in canary islands over the past 8hrs….
yeah… there's a lava flow. a very SMALL one. nothing to get bunched panties over. NO quakes. no tsunamis.
how many decades has kilauea been erupting lava?
reduced to terms your limited intellects can grasp, they are the borg. they view us as we view livestock and lab rats.
they are NOT our pals.
do not comply.
do not trust.
resistance is NOT futile, it is ESSENTIAL.
>all four tsunami warning buoys not operational in Atlantic
there are FIVE tsunami warning bouys
puny compared to kilauea's lava flows.
how long have you been shilling for them? or are you not aware of whom the ultimate puppet masters are?
>E suggests having some Benadril on hand.
EVERYONE should have BENADRYL on hand as part of basic first aid kit. get a giant bottle of generic at DOLLAR GENERAL for CHEAP.
your problem is you BELIEVE that you are THINKING.
i live too far away or i would take care of this one. there's gotta be a patriot within a few miles that could solve all it's problems.
if we all took care of the ones that spout off in our neighborhoods, they wouldn't believe they're untouchable.
>destroying everything for 13 miles inland on the US East Coast.
wiping out boston, nyc, philly, DC, … would be a gigantic boon to america.
>Make sure you are 15 or more miles from the coast
13 mi is an avg number. elevation is FAR more important than distance from coast. go UP.
i wrote "go up" because i was deliberately trying to avoid writing "get higher" because i knew there are children reading here.
so… you are not typing on a physical kybd?
while we may have a physical body, we am not.
if you strike us down, we will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.
i believe YOU are making false assumptions… PAL.
>creates the vibrational frequency that those who feed are in need of at the moment
you have FAR more than you know.
>The endless repetition of TV commercials featuring vignettes of happy pill-poppers
how about a law that requires every ad by big pharma, big insurance, and ambulance chasing lawyers have a public notice at the end, saying "this commercial just used $X million dollars of your healthcare premiums." wanna see how quick those ads get banned?
>I think they understand. :-)
LOL… females? understand? two words that do NOT go in the same sentence.
assume much? use offensive gender descriptors much? hypocrite much? irony much? THINK much?
there's your problem. it's why you are totally ineffectual and a waste of good oxygen. KYS.
rotflmfao… now you think you're a POET? smh. you are LOSER, with a capital LOSER. clown.
rotflmfao… now you think you're a POET? smh. you are LOSER, with a capital LOSER. clown.
rotflmfao… now you think you're a POET? smh. you are LOSER, with a capital LOSER. clown.
same for me, and a lot of other anons posting. hit reply once get post in triplicate. must be mil thing…..
yeah and my image got lost too, and got "flood detected" msg
read Robert Monroe, "Ultimate Journey"
spokesperson for team jew.
how 'bout a p-brane?