DJT Suggests That You Vaccinate Edition
no fucking way, shove it up your ass
DJT Suggests That You Vaccinate Edition
no fucking way, shove it up your ass
>Gladys Berejiklian
she is under investigation for corruption
she is also a crypto jew
every time
With Corona, the Australian health dept "authorities" ramp up the reporting of "cases" to scare-monger the civvies
It's like saying we have 900 new cases of people with a cold…so fucking what
They rarely report how many have actually been sick enough to have entered hospital, which is the true indicator of the danger of the Covid "virus"
Fearporn and more fearporn to drive the sheep into the vaccination hubs in Australia
The non-vaccinated will be used as scapegoats to further fracture Australian society and divert blame from the comped politicians
>(raw vid 5:5). EX-rvid5774.
post that hillary vid bro
let the world burn as the normies watch Hillary get frazzled
well, I figure the corruption is entrenched so deep that the entire human race needs to be wiped out
tabula rasa
start from scratch
>as pretty or based as Nasim.
the dumb agency feds are very mockable
those feds probably give each other a reach around in the locker room
they all look kinda gay faggoty take it up the ass types