Anonymous ID: 724708 Sept. 19, 2021, 9:16 p.m. No.14620304   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Oregon, Georgia, Tennessee… have National Guard supporting /assisting HOSPITALS —This IS actually happening. Veronica Wolski of The Peoples’ Bridge in Chicago; GOP Leader, Pressley Stutts of South Carolina… how many countless others we don’t hear about?


Lin Wood People are dying in hospitals deprived of their human right to choose their own medical treatment. Deprived of the human right to have their loved ones at their bedside as they say goodbye. Deprived of their human desire to steal a final glance at the faces of the people they love.


What thoughts must race through their minds as they leave this world being treated so inhumanely?

These are people who for the most part lived their lives doing the best they could as imperfect people to play by the rules, love their families and friends, and be productive members of society.


What did they do in this life to deserve such an impersonal, uncaring end to their time on Earth?

A child who wants to be with a dying parent. A parent who wants to be with a dying child. A friend who wants to be with a dying friend.


Is this how we as a society want to treat our loved ones in their final hours and days in this world?

Is this the legacy we want for our country and our world?

Do we value our own lives so much that we are willing to allow others to be treated this way? Is this the way we want to leave this Earth ourselves?


Any set of rules, medical or government, which demand such inhumane treatment cannot be tolerated by a society which values life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for its people.

These are not the actions of a people who live in a country founded under God.


This is not about Covid or protecting others. This is about how we treat our fellow human beings. This is about our humanity.


How much longer will we stand to the side and quietly allow crimes against humanity to occur on our watch? Have we lost our humanity? I pray we have not.


But the choice is ours as a society to make, mindful of the reality that our society is made up of the collective choices of its members.I pray we choose wisely.

Lin 🙏🙏🙏 Sep 19 at 22:55


We've been trying to wake others up regarding the Communism taking hold of this Country (too many examples to even list in one post) but people simply do not care unless something directly interrupts their own convenience. Is this chynaflu/hospital thing what is "required" to finally get people to stand up and say "enough!"; How many will have to be directly affected for anything to sink in?

How would somebody needing to rescue a loved one from one of those Communist-controlled hospitals get past the Police/security…? Will the People NEED the Military to rescue their loved ones?


Q #22

Anonymous ID: grTMpzrL No.147445681 

Oct 31 2017 23:57:15 (EST)

Who controls the NG?

Why was the NG recently activated in select cities within the US?

Can the NG work in coordination w/ the marines?

Do conditions need to be satisfied to authorize?

What former President used the military to save the republic and what occurred exactly?

Biggest drop to ever be provided on Pol. Study and prepare. The masses tend to panic in such situations. No war. No civil unrest. Clean and swift.