Doesn’t pass smell test. Even if it’s a normal case it’s being used as a huge distraction.
Doesn’t pass smell test. Even if it’s a normal case it’s being used as a huge distraction.
>Propane is no good for reaching orbit.
Mr Leahy would disagree. He got a double wide into low earth orbit with propane kek
We had too much fun making fun of phaggots saturday. Said phaggots didn’t get the story they wanted and we were all over them like white on rice. Anons played a role in preventing a false narrative, in anon opinion. At least pelted their armor with smack talk dents. Was too fun. They don’t like us having fun. Now they are here
They burned the country down and then fought to get the people that threw firebombs at police, destroyed mom and pop shops, burned police stations and other buildings, etc out of jail and drop all charges. If a regular person even urinates on St Patrick’s day behind a bush they get locked up. Everything is retarded