Same. Only place anon doesn’t feel lost right now
Panties are bunched up from Saturday and our epic smack talk. Too many people called phags out for their ghey tactics and seemed to have an impact.
Markets have to crash, in anons opinion. Only way to fix something old is to “gut” it. Like a building. Use the old frame but get out all the old garbage and bring it “up to code”. Lipstick and rouge. Hold onto your hats.
It’s a shell game with a gorillion shells. Dark pools and dirty back room deals. Anon has only started paying attention since Rona and don’t know much but know it’s the same rats nest as all the rest. “Impossible to clean”. It has to be torn down and rebuilt. You are correct with a focus on American companies… but they are just as corrupt. 45 even warned 401k’s would crumble … anon strongly believes this is going to happen. Not doom and glooming it but just facing a reality of “people must be shown”. 45 also has said multiple times about a coming Great Depression 2.0. Will help trade workers because nobody knows how to do shit anymore. This will be multifaceted I’m rebuilding a proper structure in economy. Bankers and money changers can barely change a light bulb. Laborers will take the upper hand, in anons opinion
The lockdown market dip was training for regular folk, in anons opinion. Will not enjoy a market crash as it will hurt so many but “buying the dip” on a full collapse will make people a shit ton of money if it happens. Am just a candlestick maker and not giving financial advice but also believe the dollar will take a dump when we return to gold-backed currency from a debt-based and petro dollar. Not sure how it will play out with even having money to buy stocks or invest if that happens but have my eyes on a hopeful future for my family and their families in the future. Would even like to pay for my ex to be able to not have to work and just enjoy life and homeschool our kids. Who knows. As it sits right now can’t stomach making shit wages for things anon dislikes to do in the first place. Hope it all works out, though. Like Johnny 5 making his heroic day-saving scene when he was battered and bruised