He was known by the nickname Miche in the Trudeau family. This name was given to him by Fidel Castro, when the Trudeau family was on a trip of Cuba and Michel was then a 4 months old baby.
>President Joe Biden exempted unaccompanied children from the order
>Do you think Milley is going to pull a spacey and announce he now is going to live his life as a gay man?
hormone therapy boobs n butt
>announce it's pronoun
West Virginia councilman dies after tree falls onto car
A West Virginia city councilman died last week after a tree fell onto his car as he drove his son home from soccer, a report said.
The freak accident last Wednesday on Greenbrier Street in Charleston, West Virginia left John Kennedy Bailey dead, according to the city’s mayor, Amy Shuler Goodwin.
Bailey served on the city council in Charleston and his death shocked his colleagues.
“I spent many a night talking with John in the City Hall parking garage long after council meetings had ended,” Mayor Goodwin recalled in a statement posted to Facebook.
“We’d talk about how we could fix things—make things better. He was funny and fun. He was relaxed but motivated. He was someone you wanted on your team, and we loved him so very much,” the mayor said.
Bailey was married with three children, WCHS reported.
“He’s irreplaceable. He’s one of those people that don’t come along every day,” Bailey’s friend, Bernie Layne, told the news outlet.
“It sounds cliché to say that, but John is a once in a lifetime guy. He was a character, but a really good character,” said Layne.
>Bodycam cops left hand tattoo.
>"the media that we consider media do not have to wear a mask"
"These people aren't unionists, they're the scum of the earth as far as I'm concerned."
Navyred roomreview found sexualized culture — but ‘no conduct’ needing discipline
A review ordered into an internal probe of alleged sexual misconduct by senior officers found what the military described as a “sexualized culture” that the Royal Canadian Navy “must continue to confront”, but decided nothing about the incident warranted disciplining those involved.
Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan ordered the review in March after Global News reported that the military shut down the internal probe without talking to all of those involved, citing sources.
Sources had said the investigation into alleged inappropriate comments — where the senior officers allegedly joked that a female member wanted to show off her “red room” while on a Zoom call — also did not look into alleged comments that followed, which sources said involved BDSM and “kinky sex.”
Now, military leaders have concluded no discipline is needed.
“We can confirm that the review of the investigation was completed, and found no conduct that required discipline,” the Department of National Defence said in a statement.
“Rear-Adm. [Angus] Topshee confirmed that while the investigation (and the subsequent review) found that disciplinary actions were not warranted, the allegations demonstrated the sexualized culture that the RCN must continue to confront, and that trust must be re-established in those affected.”
Topshee holds command of Maritime Forces Pacific and Joint Task Force Pacific.
Red Room
How low would you go to win a million dollars? Just how desperate are you for the cash? Desperate enough to enter the Red Room? In this latest and most vicious game show to emerge from the Japanese underground, four contestants (a husband and wife on the edge of divorce, and two sisters) are locked in the Red Room to draw cards in the "king game." Whoever draws the king selects two others to enter a cage where one performs the most outrageous acts upon his or her unlucky victim. The game is played to the death. Survivor takes all, and the losers go home in body bags!
"They're not really unionists, they're just the scum of the earth as far as I'm concerned."
Antihistamines and azithromycin as a treatment for COVID-19 on primary health care – A retrospective observational study in elderly patients
Early treatment of symptomatic COVID-19 patients with antihistamines and azithromycin, and administration of antihistamines in asymptomatic and high risk patients, close contacts and relatives, had excellent outcomes in our population reducing fatality rate, hospital admissions and ICU admissions in this elderly population, regardless of patient's age and risk factors.
This safe and inexpensive treatment protocol could have a crucial impact on morbidity and mortality rates of patients with COVID-19 and ease the burden of these patients on hospitals. Treatment should be started at the Primary Health Care level, as early as possible when the first symptoms appear. Antihistamines and azithromycin are drugs with extensive experience of use, good safety profile, good tolerance, low cost and wide availability, so this combined treatment regimen may respond to the global therapeutic needs for COVID-19 for all age groups. Clinical trials are necessary to determine its efficacy. As there are no commercial interests, they should be promoted by national health systems as a social responsibility.
Americans’ lack of media literacy and our affinity for conspiracy theories creates the space for big lies to move from the dark corners of the web to the Capitol.
>Americans’ lack of media literacy and our affinity for conspiracy theories creates the space for big lies to move from the dark corners of the web to the Capitol.
enormously powerful
It would be so boring without this wet noodle.
Prince Andrew is being failed by his legal team's strategy, fear courtiers
Concern growing that Duke of York’s ‘wall of silence’ over sexual assault case is increasingly damaging the monarchy
Royal courtiers fear the Duke of York is being failed by the strategy pursued by his London-based legal team, amid growing concern that his “wall of silence” is increasingly damaging the monarchy….
Model agent friend of Jeffrey Epstein charged with rape of a minor
A second complainant accuses Mr Brunel of drugging her drink and raping her when she was 17. Mr Brunel denies the charges
A French former modeling agent and friend of the late Jeffrey Epstein has been formally charged for a second time over the rape of a minor, according to a Paris prosecutor….
Jon Stewart Has a Long History With Anthony Weiner
Stewart was a friend of Weiner’s before scandal took over the former politician’s narrative. Because of this, Stewart felt conflicted about taking Weiner down —despite the wonderfully ripe target he became. “That’s part of the challenge that keeps it exciting — making yourself uncomfortable,” says Stewart. (Weiner, for his part, doesn’t blame Stewart for going after him.) Strangely, Stewart felt hurt after vouching for Weiner in the press, before he back to his old dirty tricks.
Conspiracy theories are "a typology through which people who lack definite or satisfactory narratives as citizens explain to themselves their immiseration, their disenfranchisement, their lack of power, and even their lack of will."
It took years — eight years and counting in exile — for me to realize that I was missing the point: we talk about conspiracy theories in order to avoid talking about conspiracy practices, which are often too daunting, too threatening, too total.
Conspiracy: Theory and Practice
Toward a Taxonomy of Conspiracies
The greatest conspiracies are open and notorious — not theories, but practices expressed through law and policy, technology, and finance. Counterintuitively, these conspiracies are more often than not announced in public and with a modicum of pride. They’re dutifully reported in our newspapers; they’re bannered onto the covers of our magazines; updates on their progress are scrolled across our screens — all with such regularity as to render us unable to relate the banality of their methods to the rapacity of their ambitions.
The party in power wants to redraw district lines. The prime interest rate has changed. A free service has been created to host our personal files. These conspiracies order, and disorder, our lives; and yet they can’t compete for attention with digital graffiti about pedophile Satanists in the basement of a DC pizzeria.
This, in sum, is our problem: the truest conspiracies meet with the least opposition.
Or to put it another way, conspiracy practices — the methods by which true conspiracies such as gerrymandering, or the debt industry, or mass surveillance are realized — are almost always overshadowed by conspiracy theories: those malevolent falsehoods that in aggregate can erode civic confidence in the existence of anything certain or verifiable.
In my life, I’ve had enough of both the practice and the theory. In my work for the United States National Security Agency, I was involved with establishing a Top-Secret system intended to access and track the communications of every human being on the planet. And yet after I grew aware of the damage this system was causing — and after I helped to expose that true conspiracy to the press — I couldn’t help but notice that the conspiracies that garnered almost as much attention were those that were demonstrably false: I was, it was claimed, a hand-picked CIA operative sent to infiltrate and embarrass the NSA; my actions were part of an elaborate inter-agency feud. No, said others: my true masters were the Russians, the Chinese, or worse — Facebook.
As I found myself made vulnerable to all manner of Internet fantasy, and interrogated by journalists about my past, about my family background, and about an array of other issues both entirely personal and entirely irrelevant to the matter at hand, there were moments when I wanted to scream: “What is wrong with you people? All you want is intrigue, but an honest-to-God, globe-spanning apparatus of omnipresent surveillance riding in your pocket is not enough? You have to sauce that up?”
Contrary to what a surprisingly large number of people on Twitter believe, that is very much not me.
It's my hope in this post and in posts to come to engage a broader scope of conspiracy-thinking, by examining the relationship between true and false conspiracies, and by asking difficult questions about the relationships between truth and falsehood in our public and private lives.
I'll begin by offering a fundamental proposition: namely, that to believe in any conspiracy, whether true or false, is to believe in a system or sector run not by popular consent but by an elite, acting in its own self-interest. Call this elite the Deep State, or the Swamp; call it the Illuminati, or Opus Dei, or the Jews, or merely call it the major banking institutions and the Federal Reserve — the point is, a conspiracy is an inherently anti-democratic force.
The recognition of a conspiracy — again, whether true or false — entails accepting that not only are things other than what they seem, but they are systematized, regulated, intentional, and even logical. It’s only by treating conspiracies not as “plans” or “schemes” but as mechanisms for ordering the disordered that we can hope to understand how they have so radically displaced the concepts of “rights” and “freedoms” as the fundamental signifiers of democratic citizenship.
In democracies today, what is important to an increasing many is not what rights and freedoms are recognized, but what beliefs are respected: what history, or story, undergirds their identities as citizens, and as members of religious, racial, and ethnic communities. It’s this replacement-function of false conspiracies — the way they replace unified or majoritarian histories with parochial and partisan stories — that prepares the stage for political upheaval.
Especially pernicious is the way that false conspiracies absolve their followers of engaging with the truth. Citizenship in a conspiracy-society doesn’t require evaluating a statement of proposed fact for its truth-value, and then accepting it or rejecting it accordingly, so much as it requires the complete and total rejection of all truth-value that comes from an enemy source, and the substitution of an alternative plot, narrated from elsewhere.
The concept of the enemy is fundamental to conspiracy thinking — and to the various taxonomies of conspiracy itself. Jesse Walker, an editor at Reason and author of The United States of Paranoia: A Conspiracy Theory (2013), offers the following categories of enemy-based conspiracy thinking:
“Enemy Outside,” which pertains to conspiracy theories perpetrated by or based on actors scheming against a given identity-community from outside of it
“Enemy Within,” which pertains to conspiracy theories perpetrated by or based on actors scheming against a given identity-community from inside of it
“Enemy Above,” which pertains to conspiracy theories perpetrated by or based on actors manipulating events from within the circles of power (government, military, the intelligence community, etc.)
"Enemy Below," which pertains to conspiracy theories perpetrated by or based on actors from historically disenfranchised communities seeking to overturn the social order
“Benevolent Conspiracies,” which pertains to extra-terrestrial, supernatural, or religious forces dedicated to controlling the world for humanity's benefit (similar forces from Beyond who work to the detriment of humanity Walker might categorize under “Enemy Above”)
Other forms of conspiracy-taxonomy are just a Wikipedia link away: Michael Barkun's trinary categorization of Event conspiracies (e.g. false-flags), Systemic conspiracies (e.g. Freemasons), and Superconspiracy theories (e.g. New World Order), as well as his distinction between the secret acts of secret groups and the secret acts of known groups; or Murray Rothbard's binary of “shallow” and “deep” conspiracies (“shallow” conspiracies begin by identifying evidence of wrongdoing and end by blaming the party that benefits; “deep” conspiracies begin by suspecting a party of wrongdoing and continue by seeking out documentary proof — or at least “documentary proof”).
I find things to admire in all of these taxonomies, but it strikes me as notable that none makes provision for truth-value. Further, I'm not sure that these or any mode of classification can adequately address the often-alternating, dependent nature of conspiracies, whereby a true conspiracy (e.g. the 9/11 hijackers) triggers a false conspiracy (e.g. 9/11 was an inside job), and a false conspiracy (e.g. Iraq has weapons of mass destruction) triggers a true conspiracy (e.g. the invasion of Iraq).
Another critique I would offer of the extant taxonomies involves a reassessment of causality, which is more properly the province of psychology and philosophy. Most of the taxonomies of conspiracy-thinking are based on the logic that most intelligence agencies use when they spread disinformation, treating falsity and fiction as levers of influence and confusion that can plunge a populace into powerlessness, making them vulnerable to new beliefs — and even new governments.
But this top-down approach fails to take into account that the predominant conspiracy theories in America today are developed from the bottom-up, plots concocted not behind the closed doors of intelligence agencies but on the open Internet by private citizens, by people.
In sum, conspiracy theories do not inculcate powerlessness, so much as they are the signs and symptoms of powerlessness itself.
This leads us to those other taxonomies, which classify conspiracies not by their content, or intent, but by the desires that cause one to subscribe to them. Note, in particular, the epistemic/existential/social triad of system-justification: Belief in a conspiracy is considered “epistemic” if the desire underlying the belief is to get at “the truth,” for its own sake; belief in a conspiracy is considered “existential” if the desire underlying the belief is to feel safe and secure, under another's control; while belief in a conspiracy is considered “social” if the desire underlying the belief is to develop a positive self-image, or a sense of belonging to a community.
From Outside, from Within, from Above, from Below, from Beyond…events, systems, superconspiracies…shallow and deep heuristics…these are all attempts to chart a new type of politics that is also a new type of identity, a confluence of politics and identity that imbues all aspects of contemporary life. Ultimately, the only truly honest taxonomical approach to conspiracy-thinking that I can come up with is something of an inversion: the idea that conspiracies themselves are a taxonomy, a method by which democracies especially sort themselves into parties and tribes, a typology through which people who lack definite or satisfactory narratives as citizens explain to themselves their immiseration, their disenfranchisement, their lack of power, and even their lack of will.
"a true conspiracy (e.g. the 9/11 hijackers) triggers a false conspiracy (e.g. 9/11 was an inside job)"
>(e.g. false-flags), Systemic conspiracies (e.g. Freemasons), and Superconspiracy theories (e.g. New World Order)
>skull twisting bullshit
people who lack definite or satisfactory narratives as citizens
>Amanda Litman was the email director for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign, and an email writer for Barack Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign.
"It was in and around the riots in D.C.," Wardynski said. "Gen. Milley, as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff – first thing to know, is he is a staff officer, he is an adviser, he's not a commander – he ordered elements of the 82nd Airborne and the 10th Mountain Division to fly overnight to D.C. to Fort Belvoir and Andrews without consulting the Army chain of command and reaching around the chain of command to do that. I know that for a fact."
This is the GOP's (and QAnon/Proud Boys/far-right extremist) whole mantra right now: Run for local office to build power.
QAnon: Coming soon to a school board near you.
Journalist @rothschildmd joins @amandalitman on Battleground to discuss QAnon’s foray into local politics, the array of conspiracy theorists it attracts, and why the movement is bigger than Boomers: http://recount.co/BAT
Obama to meet with NoVa tech workers
President Obama will meet with members of Northern Virginia's technology community Monday as part of an event to discuss the state of the economy with small-business owners
Obama is planning to host a backyard discussion with neighbors and small-business owners on the economy at the home of John Nicholas and Nicole Armstrong in Fairfax, Va. About 30 people are expected to attend, including Reps. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.) and Jim Moran (D-Va.). Nicholas has worked for a global services technology firm since 1999, surviving several rounds of layoffs.
Also in attendance will be Larry Poltavtsev, chief executive of Target Labs, a technology-solutions firm located in Vienna, Va. Target Labs employs 51 people, 11 of whom were hired last year and 12 who have been added since July as a result of a loan backed by the Small Business Administration. Target Labs is hiring for five positions and hopes to add 15 more by the end of year, provided the firm has access to the needed capital.
Northern Virginia is home to a quickly growing technology industry, partly due to the proliferation of federal IT contractors in the state. The event is part of an ongoing effort by the Obama administration to frame the Recovery Act as a success; Obama is expected to highlight several stimulus investments in Northern Virginia as part of the event.
SPAIN - First attempt to debate between doctors who disagree on the benefits of vaccines. When a doctor explains that more than 40,000 vaccinated people have died, a former minister and a collaborating doctor leave the TV set unable to refute the data.
mp4 fucky?
smaller file, those earlier two fail for me
>media is all creative writing