>Trump couldn't be in office for the shit storm otherwise he couldn't come back in to stop it.
That's what I think, too.
Say Trump won the electoral vote in 2024 but lost the popular vote (ballot stuffing), and dems and GOP never Trumpers cheated their way in to block anything Trump did, or find some impeachment ground that stuck to get Pence in there.
Everything would be Trump's fault. Better to let the dems win the Presidency, too, and let them drive the country over the cliff, where it would have gone anyway with Trump handcuffed.
My hunch is that whatever the good guys did to stop Clinton from stealing the election in 2016, they didn't in 2020. although the dems were sure they were going to. That's why Bidan's vote total got into ridiculous territory.
I don't anyone think anyone thought it would get so bad, though, not even the dems. Dems are in a position where they have to ditch Bidan and Harris, because the steal in the midterms and 2024 will have to be more outrageous and obvious than in 2020.
So a post earlier that the lays out a plan for the dems to replace Bidan with John Podesta. Get Blinken to resign, put in JP as SOS, jack Bidan on a 25th, the next successors recuse until it gets to the SoS;s turn.