>>14622981 (lb)
>Please PROVE that Jesus existed.
Whether Christ existed as a man as the Gospel's claim or represented a composite hero based on other historical men is irrelevant. What's important is that the story Christ (logos) is the foundation upon which Western culture was built and continues to stand.
The theme of the Old Testament was about the rise and fall of the State and the laws that would bring about social utopia, the perfect State. The birth of Christ (logos) and his ministry as documented by the Gospels was a declaration that the State is not salivation.
The individual who acts upon the Truth is salvation.
Ironically, the religion that formed around the story of Christ became corrupted when it was co-opted as the State religion of Rome. The Church of Rome gave rise to the first corporations, known as Samaritan corporations as well as the first institutions. Institutions which have always worn the mask of care and presumed to do for human beings what human beings can do for themselves.
The institutions of science today no more represent the actions of noble scientists than did the Roman Church represent the noble teachings of Christ. The corruption has always been intrinsic to the institution, not to the truthful individuals who change the world.
The fact that we are now witnessing the destruction of institutional authority and a resurrection of the spirit of Truth upon the earth is further evidence that "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it."