These numerous cookie cutter type videos I've seen like this, all involve such "normal" people. Nothing off about them at all.
If I have to hear another person try to talk to me about some reality TV show or House Wives of wherever the fuck, I might drive my car directly into the ocean and just stay there. I can talk to anybody, but that absolutely mundane shit, I have short patience for. I'll quickly find a way to see myself out of the situation with as much kindness as I can muster. When I leave however, there will still be thoughts of driving my car into the fucking ocean.
Your mom has 11 toes and 1 tit.
Not following much. I wish her the best, but I'll pay moar attention if shit hits the fan and she carpet bombs the industry. If so, I'll have her back.
Good idea. I was just gonna drive in ground level. Getting some air is like, way cooler.
Yes, but in a totally dope and righteous way. Thanks for coming.
Agreed. We ain't seen shit yet. Hope I'm wrong, but…
That is indeed the feeling in my gut.