Anywhere must be hell…
C'z heaven it is at 1/1.
Good, now stay in line.
Since Trump convinved me to take the vaxX, can I walk, maybe it will take longer……
Waw, I lost 1.04 minutes of my life, Even all this cars costed me cheaper to see them 1/100 in 3 seconds both.
The queen already made an experiment w. you…..
They had no more for prisoners so decided to invade you w/ prisoners, during malaria.
you aldo killed the las leaving of aborigens in there, that were living in contact w/ star people.
I feel for you, but not ask my help, when you only need, killing natives, and pure souls, was bad…..
Ever crossed your mind that is is a spiritual, war, but in another way???
Like you all 3 killed the natives, kids, falimies, wives, sisters, brothers and so on?
In Canada, Australia, America, b/c that was not your land…..
Nut youy cheated the, raped their failies, killed their children, took their land, nurn their templum houses, where they preyed, and killed and eated their animals, and hunted those that run?
Make a peace w/ them.
Or you'll be stuck.