Who won in Canada? I can't stand fake news, so I thought I would ask here.
That is the sort of shit excuse you make when you got nothing.
If DRs were geniune about duty to care, they would have smashed Fraudci to a pulp by now.
Yup - Not an election, a SELECTION.
They should ask the people who died of heart failure etc.. although, I believe CDC insist you must survive two weeks after vaccine before you can claim vaccine damaged to your heart.
A pair of turds.
Physics, Biolology, Chemistry all say a big fuck off to masks. Spanish Flu deaths were caused by the masksโฆ it's can't get much more pathetic then that!
Yup - and not a single bastard expert has mentioned "WASH YOUR HANDS WITH SOAP AND WATER BEFORE YOU EAT".
Big Pharma must be P
SOAP and WATER keep the biofilm on your hands healthy - like a shield against bad pathogens. Hand sanitizer kills the bio film and leaves the nasty 1% pathogens and also openings for new pathogens to dominate.
DRs use soap and water regularly after seeing sick patients as they know full well it is the hand to mouth movement that actually triggers sickness.
Biden's Health Minister gives this fucker competition for being the worlds most hideous freak show.
Turdeau wins in Canada - Loving the plan.
I wash hands before a meal or if I have been out and about near sick people. Seems to work great!
I don't know Anon - the Great Awakening never really happened in the end, as no solid evidecne was ever produced - people are voting as they always did. Nothing has broken the spell.
The suffering.
"Here comes the Bride, Run for you life"
True enoughโฆ but suffering that lasts on the decade scale is not learning in my book. That is just repeating the same shit again and again.