No you ignorant nigger I was the one filling up the old bread. Neck yourself gerbil.
Thanks for locking the old bread. I was prepared to go the distance. o7
I came here throwing a tantrum? Keep projecting you waste of flesh.
JfC anon at least upload the fuk'n image.
I've no clue. Just uploading it because it was brought up. Maybe odongo is a common name? Who knows?
>First world problems, you cant even handle yourself with an even keel or deal with the small things in life
>Drama drama drama
>Spazzes out and chucks another tantrum.
>Rolls eyes at you. I'm never going to like you. You are poor quality.
Hey dickface I've got absolutely nothing to do with that but please keep spazzin out yourself.
You're so fucking tiresome.
No one fucking cares about your filter you smooth brained nigger.
Wow! How do you continue to produce such high quality top-tier memes? I hope one day to be as bad ass as yourself!