>>14626968 Biden's constant "vacations" away from the White House, mainly to Delaware….Is to avoid the visitor logs
From the article, interestingweird name for medical center
Here’s what people had to say about it:
“has anyone asked why he has to come back? i say leave him there and lock the doors.”
“he does go there an awful lot and I agree he’s likely meeting with the people running the show”
“I’m sure he only discusses yoga and grandchildren. Except that one that Hunter spawned with the stripper…he doesn’t talk about that grandkid”
“Places of Familiarity helps people with dementia. Taking him to places that are different for the norm for too long can be detrimental for them. They could hurt themselves or others”
” a retired Secret Service agent told me Joe can’t not negotiate the White House on his own.”
“He’s compromised….”
“The blood of virgins infusion center is not on the White House premises.”
“It’s where he meets his doctor”
Hmm, that last one is interesting…could Joe go home for “medical treatments?”
If I had to guess, that’s what I think is going on. I think he gets special visits from doctors back home.