This pic is being over used. Not saying it’s not true just saying that we are forever waiting for justice. At least once.
Yeah seen it. I know man. It was a setup. It’s always a set up. We aren’t in control
Dude. We have an indictment on a lawyer from 2018. 3 1/2 years later. 2 years from a trial. Come on.
No no hug needed. I’m used to this. American politicians are the worst part of human Existence ever.
Lurking is over. We have it all. It’s been 40 years to get Trump. It will be 40 more to win this. Why don’t you lurk. Newfaggot.
Well I’m in America so yeah.
Good grief. Go on and filter doesn’t change anything
Only an idiot would believe that.
Yeah you do.