Collect them yourself, you smelly pirate hooker.
>Wipe your fucking chin
No need now that the gov't mandates chin diapers for one and all.
Something's not configured properly over there, that's for sure.
Right, because configurations can't be changed after the fact.
My car won't start but I filled the tank two weeks ago when I have 400 less miles on the odometer. Must be the mechanic's fault, that fucker changed my oil yesterday.
Fuck off, Ass-Tar
Make Landlines and Answering Machines Great Again.
>Just press the reply once.
And watch it auto-click itself a few times before "flood detected".
Thank you, Cap'n Obvious.
<Neonatal Genital Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 Infection After Jewish Ritual Circumcision
>Neonatal Genital Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 Infection After Allowing Jewish Pedophile To Suck Your Baby's Mutilated Dick
First round bird shot.
The Aussies can come!
We'll issue each one thousand rounds of ammo and a rifle.
We'll then deport them so they can clean up their own shit hole country.
>and Join the US Armed Forces
No need for that.
This would be considered humanitarian aid.
Send guns and ammo instead of food and water.
So, San Fran?
I prefer my 1216
This too.