Timestamp 4:19 pm 16:19 4+19=23 and 1+6+1+9= 17
President Biden
United States government official
Let’s put this pandemic behind us. Get vaccinated.
4:19 PM · Sep 22, 2021·The White House
Timestamp 4:19 pm 16:19 4+19=23 and 1+6+1+9= 17
President Biden
United States government official
Let’s put this pandemic behind us. Get vaccinated.
4:19 PM · Sep 22, 2021·The White House
Timestamp 5:45 pm 17:45 Q & POTUS
1+7+4+5= 17
President Biden
United States government official
I’m sick and tired of the super-wealthy and giant corporations not paying their fair share in taxes.
It’s time for it to change.
5:45 PM · Sep 22, 2021·The White House
Timestamp 7:34 pm 19:34. 1+9+3+4= 17
Bill Melugin
“The Biden administration is seeking a private contractor to operate a migrant detention facility at the U.S. naval base at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, with a requirement that some of the guards speak Spanish and Haitian Creole, according to government records”
Biden admin seeks contractor to run migrant detention facility at Gitmo
7:34 PM · Sep 22, 2021·Twitter for iPhone
Timestamp 20:27:42 and 8:27 pm
2+2+7+4+2 = 17
8+2+7 = 17
Liz Harrington / @realLizUSA 09/22/2021 20:27:42
“RINO former President George “Dubya” Bush and his flunky Karl Rove are endorsing warmongering and very low polling, Liz Cheney. Bush is the one who got us into the quicksand of the Middle East and, after spending trillions of dollars and killing nearly a million people, the Middle East was left in worse shape after 21 years than it was when he started his stupidity. It ended with Biden’s most embarrassing in history withdrawal from Afghanistan, a total surrender, leaving $85 Billion dollars of equipment and many young Warriors lives behind.
Bush is the person who did not have the courage to give a pardon to his Vice President’s Chief of Staff, Scooter Libby, even though Cheney begged for him to do so. He wouldn’t, they didn’t talk for years.
I didn’t know Scooter, but gave him a full pardon—not at their request, but because he deserved it. He suffered greatly. Former Vice President Cheney called to effusively thank me. Now he is on the side of his daughter who is so bad for Wyoming and the United States that she is polling at record lows.”
President Donald J. Trump
Liz Harrington
President Donald J. Trump:
“Why is the Fake News media continuing on their path of saying, “baseless and disproven lies,” concerning the Presidential Election of 2020, no matter how much evidence they see? These phrases are coordinated propaganda by Lamestream.
It is an automatic phrase they use about the 2020 Election Scam when in fact it was just the opposite. The proof is massive and staggering. The Presidential Election of 2020 was Rigged! When the information becomes public, people will see that it wasn’t even close.”
8:57 PM · Sep 22, 2021·Twitter for Android
I told y'all to turn that shit around.