>esoteric crisis
didja mean existential crisis, skippy? first, your copypasta web definition doesn't mean shit, and if you could understand it, you'd realize it AGREES with what i wrote. and like i said, if it were one instance, you would be right. i would be making a mountain out of a molehill. but it's become institutionalized, and it's exactly the same thing as giving everyone a trophy because they didn't shit their pants today. it's making something trivial sound more important and more impressive than it is. proving the cauchy convergence theorem, or urysohn's metrization lemma is mathematics. 2+2=4 is NOT mathematics, it's FUCKING ARITHMETIC. btw, if i were drunk, then i wouldn't give a fuck. i'm sober and disgusted because i spent a lifetime fighting against exactly this kind of PC bullshit. exactly which side are (You) on?
esoteric! KEK! what an ultramaroon.