Anonymous ID: 3aa898 Sept. 22, 2021, 7:55 p.m. No.14640921   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Perth Flag of Australia Nurses say NO to the Mandatory Wax… The world is Rising… Long Live Freedom Fisted hand

Anonymous ID: 3aa898 Sept. 22, 2021, 8:15 p.m. No.14641003   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1031 >>1124 >>1137

This is a teacher's recent @Medium blog post.


Her sick indoctrination is finally being resisted. She's blaming the kids & wants to quit.


So I have a message for @JessicaLexicusquit. You're an unwelcome parasite. The kids are better off without you.


The classroom isn’t a safe space anymore.

The MAGA students are getting worse. They’ve always complained about safe spaces. The classroom is supposed to be one.

They don’t like that.

They’ve turned classrooms into one of the most dangerous places in the world. Imagine a bunch of people with different views and experiences, all randomly thrown together in a room and asked to talk to each other while learning how to debate topics like abortion and global warming. Now let some of those students have guns, and add a deadly virus.

I’ve got a handful of straight up MAGA assholes in my classes this year. They’re anti-masking, anti-vaxxing conspiracy theorists.

How bad are they?


How bad are they?

They’re pretty terrible. They think kicking Trump off Twitter wasn’t fair. They think the Texas abortion ban was a huge victory. They think liberals are panicking about the coronavirus. They think we’re not executing enough criminals, and that slavery never happened.

They hate my school’s mask mandate.

A few years ago, there was always one student you couldn’t have a reasonable debate with. Now there’s too many.

They’re dangerous.

I’ve never felt threatened by students before, not on this level. Now they can actually hurt me, just by breathing. All they have to do is give me a breakthrough infection that I pass to my 3-year-old daughter.

In my darker moments, I think this is what some politicians want. They’re turning their own voters into weapons. They’ll send them unmasked and unvaxxed into my classroom, which they see as a “liberal indoctrination center” to take me out. They’ll also take out the students I care about, the ones I want to work with, who make the job worth it.

I’m teaching online now, but that can’t last forever. I might get to teach online in the spring, but eventually I’ll get sent back into the classroom, where my state allows them to carry guns.

Let me repeat that last part. My state allows my anti-masking, anti-vaxxing students to bring guns to class. I’m supposed to evaluate these students and give them grades they might not like.

I’ll never feel safe in a classroom.

Not anymore.


More here

Anonymous ID: 3aa898 Sept. 22, 2021, 9 p.m. No.14641265   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1282 >>1391

The irony of these corporate "privilege" programs is inescapable. Last year, CEO Larry Merlo earned 618 times the median CVS employee salary, yet still lectured his 300,000 employees—many of whom live in poverty—about their "privilege."

Corporate "diversity and inclusion" programs are a scam: far from being a bottom-up program of empowerment, the new ideology of "antiracism" allows elites to assuage their guilt and shift blame to the average American.


In another module, CVS executives created detailed racial etiquette "reference cards" telling employees stop using "problematic phrases" such as "I'm not racist," "I'm colorblind," "I grew up poor," "peanut gallery," and "we must stand up for minorities."


Examples of privilege, according to a checklist, included "celebrat[ing] Christmas," "hav[ing] a name that is easy to pronounce," "feel[ing] safe in your neighborhood at night," and "feel[ing] confident in my leadership style."


In a mandatory training, CVS executives forced hourly-wage employees to deconstruct their racial and sexual identities, then rank themselves according to their "privilege"—a practice informed by the theory of "intersectionality."


Merlo hosted a conversation with critical race guru Ibram Kendi, who told 25,000 CVS employees that "to be born in [America] is to literally have racist ideas rain on our head consistently and constantly." As a result, Americans are "completely soaked in racist ideas."

Kendi argued that two- and three-year-old children are deeply racist: "Our kids are basically functioning on racist ideas, choosing who to play with based on the kid's skin color." The solution, in part, is to "diagnose" them as "racist" in order to help them become “antiracist."

Last year, Merlo—who has since retired—launched an extensive race reeducation program, built on the core tenets of critical race theory, including "intersectionality," "white privilege," and "unconscious bias."


Read the full story at City Journal: