Underrated post.
Not winning the news in eastern US. We are getting hammered here.
WND is not great, mainly an aggregator, but they hqve some serious reporters. If the headline was inaccurate someone fucked up.
They are much different than yournewswire which is almost always bullshit. WND is probably an equivalent of Slate or HufffPo in terms of seriousness.
Interesting. 2 points.
Hicks seemed like a good guy. If AJ is Hicks, what made him turn into a dickweed? Most people get more decent as they get older.
Also, AJ looks awful for 44. Much more likely to be 56.
Don't use Google.
Good to see. Mainly because it means Trump is changing minds.
Oh yeah go over to /pol/ on halfchan, It's a fuckin haven for geniuses and patriots.
Why don't you get us a screenshot of the catalog so everyone will see what they're missing?
Could be 44 if he did a lot of alcohol and drugs.
You seem stoned.
Yeah I guess some people would care.
At /pol/ I assume anything I post will be turned over to authorities because I am certain the mods on 4chan are from Shareblue.
Here I don't think they are comped but if they are meh.