Did the cabal know 9/11 was 100% going to happen?
I don't get paid so just stupid. I'm serious
Seems straightforward to me anon: either they knew 9/11 would happen or they made it happen. Or both. How the fuck does this shit work? They knew the future
So they saw it happen. Then made it happen. Right? Self fulfilling prophecy so to speak?
They knew. They knew years ago. Q knows right? Q knew this whole time
Some people don't know what they're fighting against anymore. That's why I ask if you can truly fight fate
It's a pumpkin. Not an apple
Dickless nigger fucks
You know it's just so quiet after this shit. Like a deep deep inhale.
This was destiny wasn't. This is fate. It was always going to go this way
Source: dude trust me?
Prescribed years in advance!
After a certain while you can see the tracks laid out ahead right?
>ghey nigger predicts future
>ghey nigger predicts front fuck alien nigger self implodes
>ghey nigger gets visions of nigger alien jerome front fucking a self implosion and falls in love anyway
>ghey niggers set goat in motion while ghey nigger heart breaks
>poo poo pee pee nigger fuck mind break victims
>ghey nigger fuck inorganic set up goat faggot
>ghey nigger fucker doesn't understand homo faggot anakin dilemma
>ghey nigger fucker gets visions of future then pushes it there anyway
>ghey nigger fucker leaves goat to stand outside like a dumb fucking nigger
>ghey nigger fucker lets goat fall in love then fucks off
>ghey nigger fucker couldn't make up mind so goat gets left to the wolves
>ghey nigger fucker and goat fucked up a good thing
>ghey nigger fucker still doesn't get it
I wanted a big titty milf with a heart of gold and this is what I get. Easy to believe in Heaven when WE'RE LIVING IN HELL
Jesus Christ anon anon how the hell am I supposed to know what is real? Not that it makes any difference at this point, but I definitely would
I made the mistake of limiting all of this to two people's perspective. But there's a lot aren't there. There's a whole big fucking lot of them with front row access to the show
Why anon. Why when I absolutely don't fucking want this