>I used to hand type html on geocities back in the day.
once in fortran class, we were given a test that included a bonus points problem, write a program to print out the first 500 primes. prof said the bonus points problem would also be the next homework assignment for those that didn't get it right. finished the entire test in 10 min, including the bonus points problem. went to the teletype terminal in the basement and entered the bonus program, nine lines of fortran. NOW… the mainframe OS had a built-in bug-checker to protect it from infinite loops. it rejected the program and returned a msg that my code contained an unresolved do-loop. but our prof had given us a "secret" system command that over-rode the bug-checker and forced execution. i used that command and the program executed and did exactly what it was supposed to do, printed out the first 500 primes. i took the print out including the msg from the bug-checker back to the classroom, where none of the other students had finished the exam yet, and handed it to the prof. he shook his head in disbelief and laughed. but i have to report that my classmates were not nearly as amused. i knew then that coding was a dangerous blackhole, and wisely turned blackjack counting cards.