I think she's a strong candidate for a Dawin award.
There's also no penalty for killing unborn livestock. See: Adask's Law, man or other animals.
This is what the media will anchor to and this is what the people will see from the media. This line was a serious mistake.
>“On the positive side there were no substantial differences between the hand count of the ballots provided and the official canvass results for the County.”
Remember, this is a Republican audit and report. The media will not let you forget this.
You do that, Big Guy, we'll wait and see. So far that's all we've been doing. Waiting.
Whats that?! Did I just hear a can being kicked again in Arizona?
We now know what Jack Palance in drag looks like.
Ironic there is a kike hovering in the background.
CNN newsman Anderson Cooper, is Judson Kilpatrick's great-great-grandson. Judson Kilpatrick sacrificed Elon Farnsworth at Gettysburg.